The Secret To Long Lasting Results

Her Strength Workout

Specific goals —> Specific plans

I knowwww doing whatever pops in your head (or your coach’s head) is fun and exciting BUTTT repetition is the key! If you are someone who wants to achieve something specific from your workouts (this won’t apply to ALL of you), doing the same stuff may be repetitive but it’s so important to hit those goals!

At Her Strength Studio we program workouts in 12 week blocks with 3 4-week phases where the workout gets more challenging as you move forward. This looks different for everyone in real life because everyone will progress at different rates, push themselves at a different level, and have varying rates of recovery (due to nutrition, sleep, stress management, hormone status etc).

The 12 week blocks are meant to maintain the same movement patterns on the same day (eg hinge/press on day 1, squat/pull on day 2 and split stance/push on day 3), but vary the accessory and core movements to change the stimulus. We also give the option to vary the type of squat/hinge by modality/tool used (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbell, band etc).

The fact is, you’re more likely to do your workout if you enjoy it, right?! But you can absolutely have enough variety to enjoy without having to do completely random workouts every time you work out.

The other upside to repeating movements over time is that you have something to objectively measure progress against. If you’re wondering if you’re getting stronger, and you can look at your workouts over the past 3 months and see that you are able to complete more reps/weights/sets than 3 months ago, you have your answer!

It seems obvious, but it’s the same reason why we have tests in school and continuing education programs in our careers: to see where we’re at.

Do we need to constantly be testing our 1RM (highest weight we can do for one rep)?? No, in fact, I would encourage you to test 1/3RM on a very occasional basis - maybe 2-3x a year. Keep building and trust the process.

And, as always, work with a coach who truly understands the art of programming, HOW to meet you where *you* are, how to help you get to the goals you want, and how to pivot when something’s not working!


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